Aymon Rentuma

Lead Peer Educator
Lead Peer Educator (2022-2023)


Aymon is a Junior Transfer from the University of Oregon but is originally from Pleasant Hill, CA. He is a first generation student attaining a BA in Sociology and is interested in working for non-profits or going to Law School. At his previous school, he worked with first year students in helping them transition into a new school; in doing so he has grown a passion for helping new students which he has continued to do at UCSB. In his free time he also enjoys sunset walks, working out, thrift shopping, and playing video games. 

Pronouns: He/him/his 

Campus Involvements: Lead Peer Educator at TSC 

Major(s)/Minor(s): Sociology 

Advice for Transfers: Do not be afraid to put yourself out there and try new things. Always ask for help when needed and do not feel that you are in a position to be embarrassed by it. Transferring is not an easy process and it is normal to feel like you do not belong at first. However, all the work you have done at your previous college has gotten you here and you deserve to be here. Be true to yourself and enjoy the time you are here at UCSB!!!